Saint Joseph and Saint Patrick |
Biography for Kids
4th: St. Casimir
Biography for Kids
9th: St. Dominic Savio
17th - St. Patrick
Biography for Kids
That Resource Site - has printables to help children learn about St. Patrick.
19th - St. Joseph
Biography for Kids
Coloring Page (Thanks! Waltzing Matilda)
St. Joseph's Virtual Altar - this site has a pdf for creating your own 3D virtual altar. There are also recipes, the history of the altar and coloring pages.
25th - Feast of the Annunciation
Story for Kids
To celebrate: The Feast of the Annunciation is a solemnity, which means when it falls on a Friday, our obligation for fast and abstinence are lifted. has a few ideas for celebrating this feast. I found some more ideas on - - including planning a Mary garden.
29th: St. Joseph of Arimathea
I haven't found anything yet on St. Joseph of Arimathea, but sometimes I chuckle at the Patronages of the saints - - St. Joseph is the patron of funeral directors.
April: The Holy Eucharist
May's banner: Symbols for the Month of the Eucharist, St. Mark and St. Catherine of Sienna |
15th - St. Damien of Molokai
16th- St. Bernadette
23rd - St. George
25th - St. Mark the Evangelist
28th - St. Louis de Montfort
29th - St. Catherine of Sienna
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