The word "ordinary" doesn't seem to fit anytime during the Church year - - what is so ordinary about it? But I guess with Christmas and then Easter, a usually big celebrations in the Church year, the time in between had to be called something - - so ordinary, I guess it is.
I am working on something to do weekly with regards to the many parables that Our Lord gave us in the Gospels. I know the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd does a lot here and I am sure I will find some ideas in the Children and Worship book I have. I like the idea of creating a "tree" similar to the Jesse and Jesus trees of Advent and Lent -- it is something that is tangent and remains visible throughout the time. Once I get done, I will post it here along with links to any externals (i.e. patterns or worksheets, etc.). I will also post ideas for Church feast days. Anything, though to do with saints, will go under the saints tab.
God Bless,